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GarrettCom Converter Teardown

The main components are BCM5325A2KQMG Ethernet switch, BCM5221A4KPTG Ethernet PHY, HFBR5961LZ fiber transceiver and LM2591HVT-3.3 simple switcher power supply. This looks like quite normal small Ethernet swich design. There is 5 port Ethernet switch IC handling copper ports directly and fiber through PHY IC. This device I opened was broken on power supply circuit. The

What David Cameron just proposed would endanger every Briton and destroy the IT industry – Boing Boing This article clearly shows how some politics seem to have serious problems in understanding security issues in Internet era. Many ideas that might superficially look like good ideas for some parties are actually crazy and bad for all when you seriously analyze them. Posted from WordPress for Android

LED-lit urban farms

  LED-lit urban farms aim to transform blighted cities with jobs, fresh food article tells about an interesting application for LEDs: A group of high-tech urban pioneers is using LEDs to power a large indoor vertical farming system in Newark, NJ. When complete, AeroFarms‘ latest urban agriculture system is expected to enough produce pesticide-free greens