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XLR over CAT 5/6/7

An audio multicore cable (often colloquially referred to as a multicore, snake cable or snake) is a thick cable which usually contains 4–64 individual audio cables inside a common, sturdy outer jacket. Audio multicore cables are used to convey many audio signals between two locations, such as in audio recording, sound reinforcement, PA systems and

Some locks are picked too easily

“As an engineer I’ve always laughed when actors bypass locks like that in movies. I never imagined anybody could design something that wrong.” Here is a collection of videos from LockPickingLawyer that show clearly how bad many locks are: [1045] Swiss Army Knife Bypass of Keypad Lock [1064] First No Touch Open! (Retekess Keypad) [1060]

Wooden satellite from Finland

World’s first wooden satellite slated for launch in Finland. UPM Plywood, Arctic Astronautics and Huld announce today a joint mission to launch the first ever wooden satellite, WISA Woodsat, into Earth’s orbit by the end of 2021. The satellite electronics is mostly based on Kitsat that is a fully functional one unit CubeSat (roughly 10

tinySA RF spectrum analyzer

TinySA is an amazing gizmo! I have already posted some video link on TinySA and here is some mode material on it. RF testing is getting quite popular these days, with many devices featuring wireless capabilities. However, RF test devices are quite expensive, or at least have been, as on few recent years many affordable

Huge telephone cable replaced with fiber

I saw today changes made to telecom infrastructure in Helsinki Finland. A huge arm thick telephone cable (800 ot 1000 pair according to installers) that was pulled out of cable pipe with help of excavator. It was being replaced with modern optical cable 192 fibers in it that the installers were pulling in.


I have long time used GIMP as my main image manipulation tool when making images for It can do all the normal image manipulation needed well. GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its

New Armv9 CPU core

ARM processors touch 70% of the global population. From the edge to the cloud, Arm is on track to touch 100 percent of the world’s shared data. Arm has announced Armv9, its first new ARM architecture in a decade. Arm’s solution to the future needs of AI, security and specialized computing is v9 released at

Questionable breaker locating methods

There are many cases where there is need to trace which electrical outlet is connected to which fuse/breaker. Anyone doing renovation is familiar with both residential and commercial buildings where the circuits weren’t identified properly. New buildings may label circuits very well, but older structures aren’t nearly as accurate or detailed. There’s a big difference