Second OS in mobile phones – Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
This Paper Plane Folding Machine Gun is a Mechanical Marvel: It actually takes a stack of paper, folds it into paper air planes and shoots them. This looks like a really huge waste of time and not very useful, but also neat and cool at the same! →
Halloween is coming. It might be time to start thinking Halloween hacking ideas. Check out Halloween hacking ideas 2013. → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
This is a refreshing video teardown. EEVblog Tears into the White Van Speaker Scam:[Dave Jones] shows us just how bad audio equipment can get with his white van speaker scam teardown. Dave exposes the global White Van Speaker Scam and tears down a Marc Vincent Surround Sound Receiver, one of the items sold in Australia through → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
I just found my way to an interesting Internet of Things related web site: IoT World is a community of professionals like you, who aim to bring intelligence to everyday devices and connect them together to profoundly alter the way we work, play, and live. The site will provide news, training, and analysis on a → Posted from WordPress for Android →