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My LPT DAC story

Hackaday featured today LPT DAC circuit. Back in the olden days, around 25 years ago, sound cards were rare on PCs. One hack those days was the original Covox Speech Thing, that connected a simple DAC to to PC parallel port. The Covox Speech Thing (also known as Covox plug) was an external audio device

Researchers Develop Purely Optical Cloaking

Technologies for making things invisible is always interesting. There are active and passive technologies that have been tried for this. My earlier posting Mercedes uses LEDs to create invisible car showed and active technology that used camera + huge LED display to make invisibility effect. Yesterday I saw a new interesting passive one. Researchers Develop


Spintronics is an emerging technology exploiting both the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices. Spintronics differs from the older magnetoelectronics, in that the spins are not only manipulated by magnetic fields, but also by electrical fields. Spintronics emerged from discoveries in

Shellshock Bash Vulnerability

Unix/Linux Bash: Critical security hole uncovered and it seems to be all around in the news. The claim is that popular Linux and Unix shell has a serious security problem that means real trouble for many web servers. Let’s check the facts fist, is this real from some reliable source. There is Vulnerability Summary for