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iPhone 6 teardowns

Techcrunch claims that Apple’s brand new iPhone 6 is the best smartphone. I have not had my hands on one to make my judgements on that. But I am interested to see what is inside this new gadget. iPhone6 is brabd new, but iFixit has already done iPhone 6 Teardown and iPhone 6 Plus Teardown

Quantum Photonics News

Two interesting recent news related to quantum photonics: Quantum Photonics article tells that Researchers from Nanjing University, Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices, and Southeast University, Nanjing, in China have demonstrated the creation of entangled photons and their manipulation on a single chip.  The researchers used lithium niobate (LN) as the material for the chip. Launched Code Studio

There are many initiatives to get people to know basics of programming. The current thinking seems to be that anybody can learn to code if concepts are introduced in the right way.‘s mission is to get coding into curriculums for students. It is known for example on projects like Computer Science Education Week and

The Industries Plagued by the Most Uncertainty – Harvard Business Review Posted from WordPress for Android It’s a cliché to say that the world is more uncertain than ever before, but few realize just how much uncertainty has increased over the past 50 years. To illustrate this, consider that patent applications in the U.S. have increased by 6x (from 100k to 600k annually) and, worldwide,