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Arduino controlling with Bluetooth

I had ordered HC-05 Bluetooth adapter for Arduino. After some frustration with some failed attempts to do the communication with it, I left it waiting for new motivation. Then last week I happened to see Triggering Remote Fireworks with an Arduino and an Android article that pointed to ArduDroid: A Simple 2-Way Bluetooth-based Android Controller

PC microphone introduction

Computer microphones: Interfacing Microphones to Computer Sound Cards is a nice compact document on interfacing different microphones to PC sound cards. It starts with the same basics as I covered on my electret mic interfacing document an continues with some more sound card interfacing details (including some stereo mics on some sound card). The document

Docker and other Linux containers

Virtual machines are mainstream in cloud computing. The newest development on the this arena are fast and lightweight process virtualization.  Linux-based container infrastructure is an emerging cloud technology that provides its users an environment as close as possible to a standard Linux distribution. Linux Containers and the Future Cloud article tells that as opposed to

4K Monitors – Not Ready Yet

Like 1080p before it, 4K is the new, ultra-high-resolution format that promises better detail and greater image clarity due to the huge number of pixels packed into your screen. It is true that the increased level of detail provided by 4K is theoretically indistinguishable to the human eye once you pass a certain distance from

HT-USBee AxPro review

I found a cheap mixed signal oscilloscope product: HT-USBee AxPro. This HT-USBee AxPro is a said to be 8 Channel Logic Analyzer Oscilloscope Compatible USBee AX Pro I2C IIC SPI CAN Debugger. It features Oscilloscope Input (single channel, 16Msps, 3MHz bandwidth) and 8-CH Logic Analyzer. With suitable software it can be used as Data Recorder,

History of Android

Android has been with us in one form or another for more than six years, and it has changed a lot in that time. Android now a historically big operating system. Almost a billion total devices have been sold, and 1.5 million devices are activated per day—but how did Google get here? The history of

The Turing Test was not passed!

Last weekend’s news in the tech world was flooded with a “story” about how a “chatbot” passed the Turing Test for “the first time”: Many media outlets were reporting that a computer programme pretending to be a 13-year-old boy from the Ukraine passed the Turing test for artificial intelligence on Saturday. The problem is that

jsFiddle web code playground

jsFiddle is a well worth to check out online playground for your JavaScript, HTML, CSS code at It  it provides on-line code editor and a custom environment (based on user selections) to test (or fiddle with) your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code right inside your browser. Getting up and running with jsFiddle is as