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Know how to decode a data breach notice

Data breach notifications have become an all-too-regular exercise in crisis communications that increasingly try to deflect blame, obfuscate important details and omit important facts. The next time you get a data breach notification, read between the lines. For instructions how to do that read How to decode a data breach notice article at Know

ESR meter DIY

One way to test electrolytic capacitors is to measure their capacitance. It does not tell the whole story of capacitor condition. Another usually more useful way to measure electrolytic capacitor condition is to use an ESR meter. Here is ESR meter I built years ago based on instructions from but I built the transformer

Halloween light show examples

Halloween is coming soon and you might think you need some scary/funny decoration for it. Here are some ideas. The following examples seem to be built with idea “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.” Enter Sandman (Metallica) 2020 Halloween Light Show “Chop Suey” – System of a Down 2019 Halloween Light Show This is

Vastaamo breach is horrible

Bombshell data breach ransom incident exploded in Finland. Psychotherapy center Vastaamo patient records were breached and ransom demands for not publishing data was sent to both company and patients. Patient data of 300 were already published on-line. Vastaamo, which has branches throughout the Nordic country of 5.5 million and operates as a sub-contractor for Finland’s

S-A-A-2 NanoVNA V2

A Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is an extremely useful tool for radio hobbyists as it allows you to measure and tune antennas and filters, as well as measure cables. The most affordable such instrument for some time has been NanoVNA. NanoVNA V2 Vector Network Analyzer can be viewed as next updated version of NanoVNA. The

Old Usenet posts on-line again

Decades before Twitter threads, Reddit forums, or Facebook groups, there was Usenet: an early-internet, pre-Web discussion system where one could start and join conversations much like today’s message boards. It was launched in 1980. On Usenet, people talked about everything. And there were many interesting discussions and technical details posted. Old 80s Usenet content published

Legacy systems issues

The IT systems that governments and businesses depend on are often decades old and prone to failure. Why do they cost trillions to maintain but are so hard to modernize? Water treatment plants, telephone exchanges, power grids, and air traffic control are just a few of the systems controlled by antiquated code. Does everybody agree

DT830 multimeters

Saw in Facebook discussion Another meter is fried again today!!! I have six meters blown in 2 years, while reading high voltage AC. I guess I will find a better alternative for such reading. Is there a way of fixing spoilt meters!?. We are talking about this kind of DT830 type multimeters: My answer: