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Useless device kit

A useless machine is a device which has a function but no direct purpose. Typically it is an amusing engineering “hack“, or as an intellectual joke. The most well-known “useless machines” are those inspired by Marvin Minsky‘s design, in which the device’s sole function is to switch itself off by operating its own “off” switch.

Audio over CAT5

Here are some links on transporting audio signals over twisted pair wiring: Digital PreSonus eliminates the snake with a single CAT5 cable #105 – Audinate AVIO Dante Audio Adapter: First Look & Review   Analog #89 – SoundTools CAT Box Snake & SuperCAT CAT5e Review Using Cat5 cable for analog, AES3 and ClearCom signals with

Cyber Security Trends May 2019

This posting is here to collect cyber security news in May 2019. I post links to security vulnerability news to comments of this article. If you are interested in cyber security trends, read my Cyber security trends 2019 posting. You are also free to post related links.  

POPULAR ELECTRONICS: Consumer Electronics and Experimenter magazine American Radio History site has Popular Electronics and a number of other 50′s-90′s electronics and computer magazines, all PDF. Includes the Experimenter’s Handbooks and several Ham Radio focused publications. There is also a Reference Book. Great collection of history for all of you that grew up with it and those that did not.