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The NSA’s Software Defined Radio application “RedHawk” is now open source page says that NSA released a bunch of software to open source at There is an interesting looking project called “RedHawk” which is described as: “A software-defined radio (SDR) framework designed to support the development, deployment, and management of real-time software radio applications.” github link: Here’s the documentation:

Analog vs digital HDTV for CCTV cameras

For some time it seems that analogue video has seemed die in many applications when digital technologies have replaced the analog video technology. For example the trend in video surveillance systems that old legacy analogue composite video systems are replaces with digital camera interfaces that range from SDI to IP video. In normal video systems

HoldPeak HP-990A SMD component tester

I have wanted to have an easy to use meter for measuring small SMD component. I first tried to fill my need with CEM SMD-100 Smart Electronic Components Tester few months ago, but that CEM SMD-100 meter did not work for me because it was very unreliable. To fill the need, I decided to test

What to expect from CES 2019

CES is the world’s gathering place for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for 50 year. This year CES 2019 is held January 8-11 at Las Vegas. So the show starts tomorrow. And some press events by some companies

USB-C Just Got a Huge Upgrade – What You Need to Know,news-28949.html The USB Implementers Forum has plan to make popular cables and ports more secure and safer for users – and give more control to equipment makers. USB-C products have been the cause of power-surge damage to devices when users plug in a non-compliant charger and bad USB-C cable. Most users know that USB gadgets

IoT project links 2019

Internet is full of intetesting IoT projects built using Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, ESP32, and many other hardware platforms. I will collect links to intetesting IoT projects to comments. Feel free to post your best IoT project links to comments…