
20 years of Arduino

Today is Arduino Day, and it also happens to be Arduino’s 20th anniversary. Videos: More:

Arduino simulators in web

There are now Arduino simulators for what you will just need a web browser you’re good to go. Leonardo Russo’s ArduinoSimulator is an open-source Arduino Simulator written in JavaScript that runs code directly in your web browser and shows the serial output and digital/analog pins status for various Arduino boards like Arduino UNO R3, MEGA1280,

Arduino UNO R4

Arduino has released an official successor to the iconic Arduino UNO R3 board, the most well-known representative of the microcontroller platform and programming environment based on Arduino’s open hardware, has been released. The Arduino UNO R4 is the first major update to the venerable Arduino UNO R3, which has been around since 2010 and has

Arduino IDE 2.0 is here

Arduino IDE 2.0 has moved to stable and is available for download! It features a modern editor and provides a better overall user experience thanks to a responsive interface and faster compilation time. Check out welcome Arduino IDE 2.0 and and take a look at Arduino IDE 2 Tutorials to discover and learn all

Star Wars day Arduino projects

Star Wars Day is an informal commemorative day observed annually on May 4 to celebrate the Star Wars media franchise. To celebrate #StarWarsDay, Arduino team has put together a list of inspired builds from a galaxy far, far away. #MayThe4thBeWithYou The force is strong with these Arduino projects!

Arduino humidity sensors

Humidity meters are a useful device to help to ensure that your home or workplace is kept at a reasonable humidity. It is a good idea to monitor the humidity to avoid problems caused by dampness or extreme dry conditions. Here are videos and links a look at how they humidity sensors work and how

Arduino’s Open Source Report

Arduino’s Latest Open Source Report Highlights Major Growth, Community Contributions New boards, new software, and a 25 percent boost in community-provided libraries among the highlights from Arduino’s 2021. The full report is now available for download from the Arduino website at

10 Million Arduino UNOs

Arduino Celebrates 10 Million UNOs, Launches the Tiny Collectable Arduino UNO Mini Limited Edition “The iconic board, which first launched back in 2010, has become synonymous with Arduino itself,” Major sales milestone gives birth to a compact UNO clone, finished in eye-catching black and gold — and even boasting castellated pins. The first tweak