Audio and Video

Friday Fun: 10+ Reasons Not To Trust Photos You See On Social Media Behind the majority of great pictures there’s a skilled and creative photographer, but how creative can they get? Sure, nowadays digital manipulation is a big part of the final image but a lot of photographers still use physical work in ways that the rest of us couldn’t even come up with. Compiled by Bored

Font Psychology: What The Marketing Posters For Netflix’s Top 50 Shows Can Teach Us – Venngage The promotional poster might have more to do with it than you realize. Specifically…the TV show’s title font. You may have heard about color psychology before. But have you heard of font psychology? So when it comes time to design an ad, or a product label, or a logo, put some thought into the

EU wants to require platforms to filter uploaded content (including code) | The GitHub Blog The EU is considering a copyright proposal that would require code-sharing platforms to monitor all content that users upload for potential copyright infringement (see the EU Commission’s proposed Article 13 of the Copyright Directive). The proposal is aimed at music and videos on streaming platforms. However, the way it’s written captures many other types

How We Reverse Engineered the Cuban “Sonic Weapon” Attack – IEEE Spectrum Throughout last year, mysterious ailments struck dozens of U.S. and Canadian diplomats and their families living in Cuba. Symptoms included dizziness, sleeplessness, headache, and hearing loss; many of the afflicted were in their homes or in hotel rooms when they heard intense, high-⁠pitched sounds shortly before falling ill. This article tells the story how

uCameraCube – Need for a custom camera module. Check out this intetesting looking project. uCameraCube is a parametric camera module build using OpenSCAD uCube library. It is build with Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi camera and comes in three versions, which vary in the type of optics used. Thin Lens version M12 Lens version T-Mount version

Google’s Song Maker Google has added a new instrument to its Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker. Song Maker allows you to make songs. Everything happens in the browser. Song Maker is essentially an easy to use sequencer that lets you draw melodies in the browser. You are able to define a sequence of notes using a chessboard

Physicist Uses Regular Digital Camera to Photograph A Single Atom In 2012, Australian physicists captured the first image of a single atom. The process was painstaking and required a super-high resolution microscope. A new photograph taken by Oxford University physics PhD candidate David Nadlinger using only an ordinary digital camera shows a single, glowing-blue strontium atom hovering within a powerful vacuum chamber. It earned

The Last Of The MPEG-2 Patents Have Expired Just the last of the MPEG-2 patents have now expired few days ago. From the MPEG LA: Please note that the last US patent expired February 13, 2018, and patents remain active in Philippines and Malaysia after that date. This does not mean that the usefulness of the MPEG-2 has ended for technology users.