Audio and Video

My LPT DAC story

Hackaday featured today LPT DAC circuit. Back in the olden days, around 25 years ago, sound cards were rare on PCs. One hack those days was the original Covox Speech Thing, that connected a simple DAC to to PC parallel port. The Covox Speech Thing (also known as Covox plug) was an external audio device

Sound level measuring with Android phone

Sound pressure level (SPL) or sound level is a logarithmic measure of the effective sound pressure of a sound relative to a reference value. It is measured in decibels (dB) above a standard reference level (20 µPa, which is usually considered the threshold of human hearing at 1 kHz). I have earlier used several different decibel

New camera science and technologies

There has been lately some interesting science new and product articles on special camera technologies: World’s Fastest Camera Takes 4.4 TRILLION Frames Per Second: Researchers in Japan have developed a motion picture camera that can take 4.4 trillion frames per second. The work was published in Nature Photonics. They call their technique “sequentially timed all-optical

LightBoost HOWTO | Blur Busters

LightBoost HOWTO | Blur Busters ( is an interesting article on technologies used to avoid motion blur on LCD monitors. LightBoost is a programmable strobe backlight. The backlight is turned off while waiting for LCD to finish pixel transitions (unseen by human eyes), and the backlight is strobed only on fully-refreshed LCD frames (seen by human