Audio and Video


With tech companies abandoning the proprietary Flash and Silverlight media players for HTML5, it was inevitable somebody would try to inject DRM into the virgin spec. Who’s adding DRM to HTML5? Microsoft, Google and Netflix article tells that Microsoft, Google and Netflix are that “somebody”, having submitted a proposed modification to HTML5 to the World

Dell laptop ground loop problems

Many laptops are pretty well known for having terrible audio interfaces. There are usually noise and grounding issues. A recent post Yet Another Dell Laptop Audio Grounding Problem blog posting documents a well known and horrendous audio problem found on many Dell laptops. I have faced problems with Dell laptop ground loops. And I have

Audio tags

Audio tags are looking to become the new easier alternative to QR code: You don’t need to take a picture of anything in order for them to work. Why Lady Gaga Could Deploy a Sound Only Your Smartphone Can Hear article tells that a startup called SonicNotify embeds inaudibly high-pitched audio signals within music or

How do banners affect PA sound

You can see quite often in big events that PA speakers are hidden behind large banners. Often times the event organizers want the speaker stacks covered with some client-related graphics. The question which comes to mind is how much does this kind of covering hurt the sound quality? What is the reality? Do Graphic Vinyl

130-Year-Old Sound Recordings

Playback: 130-Year-Old Sounds Revealed article tells that in the early 1880s, three inventors—Alexander Graham Bell, Chichester Bell and Charles Sumner Tainter, collectively making up the Volta Laboratory Associates—brought together their creativity and expertise to record sound. These recordings were made using a variety of methods and materials such as rubber, beeswax, glass, tin foil and

Video and movie shooting with a smartphone

As the technology that powers smartphone cameras has steadily improved, the point-and-shoot has become an endangered species. The video capabilities of smartphones have greatly improved, and nowadays the best phones can shoot good quality high-definition video at good lighting conditions. Still, smartphone cameras have some limitations. For example, because of the constraints of the lens,