Audio and Video

DRM just does not work

Eureka! Ditching DRM Decreases Piracy article tells that new paper to be published in the upcoming issue of Marketing Science shows that removing DRM from music leads to a decrease in piracy. Or phrased differently, DRM appears to be an incentive for people to pirate music instead of buying it. The researchers from Rice and

Wi-Fi for Video

Meeting the requirements for video-grade Wi-Fi Access Points article gives some interesting facts on transporting video over wireless LAN. Users are coming to expect a wireless video experience equivalent to video consumption over wires. Traditionally a Wi-Fi device was measured according to its receiver performance, using metrics such as receive sensitivity. With video delivery, transmitter

BBC plans to use 3D and 'super hi-vision'

BBC plans to use 3D and ‘super hi-vision’ for London Olympics article tells that executive in charge of 2012 coverage has spoken about the proposed experiment: The BBC is considering plans to broadcast the 100 meters final of the London Olympics in 3D, as well as trying out a new super high-definition technology. Super Hi-vision

Cat 5 Cable Modeling

Category 5 (CAT5) cable is a multi-pair (usually 4 pair) cable that consists of twisted pair conductors, used mainly for data transmission. Basic CAT5 cable was designed for characteristics of up to 100 MHz. Newer CAT6 cable is designed form 250 MHz. Nowadays there are applications where those cables is used to carry higher frequencies.

Webkit-based UI for TV devices

Netflix’s Webkit-based UI for TV devices article says that Netflix uses WebKit, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 to build user interfaces that are delivered to millions of game consoles, Blu-ray players, Internet-connected TVs, and devices. Matt McCarthy and Kim Trott, device UI engineering managers at Netflix, have just published 50 presentation slides from their recent talk

Seen at Assembly 2011

The stand for Ubuntu Linux also had some Meego people showing that Meego is still going wrong. I got my hands on the Nokia N9 prototype version (I did not get permission to take picture of it). There was also Intel Meego tablet reference platform shown on the stand. The MeeGo people from Nokia were

New tech fails to drive new TV set sales

TV manufacturers try to put in all kind of new technical gimmicks to their products. Top telly tech fails to drive new set sales. The technologies telly makers are promoting in a bid to persuade punters to replace existing TVs are failing to excite consumers: LED backlight technology, internet connectivity and 3D. LED was the