Audio and Video

Surveillance camera image processing

Use FPGAs for stunning surveillance camera images is a cool article on image processing performed inside modern surveillance cameras. The “stunning images” are made possible by utilizing the latest in high definition high dynamic range CMOS image sensor technology. The “valuable information” is provided by adding intelligence in the camera that can look for the

VGA is dying?

Many modern PCs still use the over 20 year old 15 pin analogue VGA connector to connect the display to PC. The VGA connector carries the video signal in RGB format, which is a bit outdated in the world where the graphics card and display devices are all digital. Most Windows PC builders have been

Music industry misfires again

RIAA Misfires, Grazes article points that the music industry has gone off the deep end. The RIAA and other music industry organizations have spent the better part of the decade fighting the digital transition, with only a shrinking business to show for. It’s time for these music execs to pull their collective heads out

Audio levels

There are almost as many opinions on how to meter and monitor audio signals as there are audio engineers. There are several standards on audio signal level metering. PrimaLED has made a nice chart World audio level scales & calibration that compares them to each other (click picture to see it bigger size). It also

Infrasound experiments

John’s Entertainment Technology Blog has an interesting series of postings related infra-sound (sounds lower in frequency you can hear): Gravesend Inn-frasound: Subsonic Show Business article says that 19Hz standing air wave may under certain conditions create sensory phenomena suggestive of a ghost. Gravesend Inn-frasound: The Experiment tells about a psychological experiment made on the effects

Gold connectors – a good or bad idea

Gold on HIFI connectors is quite much talked about subject. This article tries to give some information on gold planted connectors so you could decide case by case if they are good idea to use or not. Gold connectors are very much hyped on cable advertisements. Gold is equated with being expensive so having something

Top 10 Format Wars

A format war occurs when two incompatible versions of a similar technology begin to compete against one another in the market. This has happened many times in audio/video field, but it is not unknown on other fields of technology. Top 10 Format Wars article tells about ten of the most famous examples. In almost every

Amplifier design books

Renowned audio design guru Douglas Self has published many audio related articles and books. Some of them can be read on the web. Self on Audio book consists of collected works from 30 years of magazine writing: all the classic preamplifier and power amplifier designs. This is really worth to read collection of articles to