Audio and Video

Making of Space Chair Ad

John Huntington’s Entertainment Technology Blog has an interesting posting Toshiba’s Very Cool “Space Chair”Ad. It consists mainly of two videos. The first video shows the cool Toshiba TV ad. The second video is the “Making of” video. It tells how the ad was made using several high definition cameras rigged to a big weather balloon

Survival Between Microphone and Voice Coil

An EE’s Guide to Survival Between Microphone and Voice Coil is an interesting  slide set amde by Netherlands´ well known audio engineer Bruno Putzeys and put to web by Hypex Electronics and Grimm Audio. It was presented in AES convention at 2007. It is a very good presentation of the whole audio electronics path from

Goodbye to CRT technology

Prosessori magazine reports that traditional CRT display technology is dying much sooner than expected earlier. The sales of CRT based displays has practically ended in Western Europe, Japan and North America. And the sales of traditional CRT based TVs is also dropping very quickly on developing markets as well. According to Displaysearch research center people

Digital audio isolation

Isolator for digital audio is needed in cases where coaxial S/PDIF digital audio link forms a ground loop in your audio system. Typically in coaxial S/PDIF connections the coaxial cable shield is connected to equipment cases. This arrangement easily creates ground loops which can cause noise problems in various places in audio system. A suitable

New volume standards for MP3 players

According to Reuters news article the European Commission has issued new volume standards for MP3 players on Monday this week. The new standards will require that MP3 players will play at a safe volume by default. There will also be a health warning so consumers who choose to override the default settings know the risks.

Single point grounding issues

Remember that a real life return path for current is not an ocean of zero impedance. Some engineers draw every ground as a wire because even copper planes have impendance. This approach might be one reason that makes some audio engineers more think of using single-point grounding. By discarding ground planes in favor of thin

Build video isolator

Video isolation transformers are primarily used in CCTV application in fields of security, manufacturing, avionics and display. The video isolation transformer is an extremely broad bandpass 1:1 isolation transformer. Its hum isolation is very good and it can sustain very high noise voltages without degradation. Isolation decreases with increasing noise frequency. Video signals can transformer

Filter injects noise

RC filter or amplifier’s lowpass filter at the input of a delta-sigma ADC is normally put there to reduce noise. But sometimes adding a filter can produce a noisier digital output than without that filter. Using an analog filter to inject noise article tells that it is as easy to eliminate higher-frequency noise with an