Audio and Video

Single point grounding issues

Remember that a real life return path for current is not an ocean of zero impedance. Some engineers draw every ground as a wire because even copper planes have impendance. This approach might be one reason that makes some audio engineers more think of using single-point grounding. By discarding ground planes in favor of thin

Build video isolator

Video isolation transformers are primarily used in CCTV application in fields of security, manufacturing, avionics and display. The video isolation transformer is an extremely broad bandpass 1:1 isolation transformer. Its hum isolation is very good and it can sustain very high noise voltages without degradation. Isolation decreases with increasing noise frequency. Video signals can transformer

Filter injects noise

RC filter or amplifier’s lowpass filter at the input of a delta-sigma ADC is normally put there to reduce noise. But sometimes adding a filter can produce a noisier digital output than without that filter. Using an analog filter to inject noise article tells that it is as easy to eliminate higher-frequency noise with an

Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens

Researches are developing a new generation of contact lenses built with very small circuits and LEDs. They promises bionic eyesight in the future. Bionanotechnology researcher Babak A Parviz writes about his research toward producing a computer interface in a contact lens at IEEE Spectrum article Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens. The author states that,

Learn how to roll cables

Learn how to roll audio cables to avoid tangling. There are several good videos on Internet which tech you how to do that. How to Set Up PA Systems : How to Roll Audio Cables video gives you instructions how to roll audio cables to avoid tangling and tips on PA sound system setup.V1 Cable

HDMI cable pricing

EDN blog articlwe HDMI cables for $2 or $600? mentions article Why are HDMI cables so expensive?. In this article product researchers find little difference between a $10 and a $140 HDMI cable. The result was that the expensive cables may be made with better materials, but they don�t perform digital transmission any better than

Rear Projection Urinal

This is almost a practical joke. This is potentially the best and wrongest multimedia device ever invented. Horse Bazaar is a pub in Melbourne Australia that has a urinal with a rear projector. This technology boasts that it makes possible that you don’t miss a single second of a game when you have to pee.