
Raspberry Pi-based Kickstarter projects

Raspberry Pi has seem to have boosted people to innovate. People have designed very many Cool uses for the Raspberry Pi. There seems to be starting quite a bit of business around Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi celebrates a million boards made in the UK article tells that just few months a go one-millionth board manufactured

CEPIS e-Competence Benchmark

IT professional: find out how skilled you are at the European level. The CEPIS e-Competence Benchmark is a free, online interactive tool that enables current and future ICT professionals to identify the competences they need for various ICT roles and career paths. The tool is designed to allow individuals to self-assess their IT competences against

Song-and-dance or dog-and-pony video?

Do engineering videos grab your interest? What is the correct way to advertise an engineering product? Which is the better MCU pitch? Song-and-dance or dog-and-pony video? article asks if traditional dog-and-pony show or uptempo song-and-dance style is a better way to advertise a micro-controller. Because this is a Friday post, I will link here that

The Data Factory

You’re the product, but when you’re sold, it’s only a lucky few who get rich. The Data Factory – How Your Free Labor Lets Tech Giants Grow The Wealth Gap article tells that technology lets big companies distribute tools that turn us into volunteers who contribute our time and data while they profit. It wasn’t

Blog advertising

Blog Advertising has been a hot topic for some years. Online advertising offers three primary types of ads bloggers can use to make money from their blogs: Pay-per-click, Pay-per-impression and Pay-per-action. In addition to those classic web advertising some bloggers can get some compensation on writing for example review of product (free products to review

We Need a Fixer Movement?

You’ve heard about the “maker movement,” the geeks who’ve been rebooting America’s craft tradition. The same kind of movement is also happening in other countries, including Finland. Wired writes that We Need a Fixer (Not Just a Maker) Movement. We need to use our maker skills to something new: We need to apply those maker

The Politics of Security

Well known security guru Bruce Schneier has an interesting blog posting titled The Politics of Security in a Democracy. It tells that terrorism causes fear, and we overreact to that fear. Our brains aren’t very good at probability and risk analysis: We think rare risks are more common than they are, and we fear them

Business talk

Many people working in large companies speak business-buzzwords as a second language. Business language is full of pretty meaningless words. I Don’t Understand What Anyone Is Saying Anymore article tells that the language of internet business models has made the problem even worse. There are several strains of this epidemic: We have forgotten how to

Four primary principles of success of Linux

Jim Zemlin at TEDx: What We’ve Learned from Linus Torvalds article tells that Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin was recently invited to speak at TEDx about what the technology industry has learned from Linux, and specifically its creator Linus Torvalds, and how some of those lessons can be applied to a variety of efforts

Why You Suck at Making Estimates

Software development effort estimation is the process of predicting the most realistic use of effort required to develop or maintain software based on incomplete, uncertain and/or noisy input. Effort estimates may be used (and are often used) as input to many other business processes (project plans, iteration plans, budgets, investment analyses, pricing processes and bidding