Circuits by Tomi

Phone line over voltage protection

This is a telephone line over voltage protector. This is basen on a design I did originally around 1995. Has been available for almost 30 years. That white thing is a deal gas discharge tube over-voltage protector that dissipates most of the over-voltage surge. It is followed with two other layers of protection (VDR and

PA amplifier rack

Building a sound system is often a highly personal process, from deciding what to get, to assembling and using it. Here is my PA system I built in 1990′s and used for some mobile DJing. The need for measurements were that it should fit easily to a normal size car with everything else that is

VGA as remote camera cable

I have designed many years a VGA cable based video camera cable which could hande video in two directions (from camera to mixer and return video to cameraman), a two-way voice connection (ClearCom type) and 12V power to the camera. All the signals run along an equally long (tens of meters) VGA cable. These were

XLR mic cable tester

I saw presentation of Sound Tools XLR Sniffer/Sender at It was described: “Quickly troubleshoot faulty mic lines and cables with this set of remote end cable testers. The XLR Sniffers can also utilize phantom power to test snake lines and cables in live environments, making it simple to diagnose issues and get your show

Passive summing mixer

For a passive summing mixer is a circuit to combine two audio signals to one signal. Passive summing works generally ok, both with unbalanced and balanced circuits if all connected circuits are same type (mixed balaced and unbalanced is mixed business if it works as wanted or not). When the devices connected to all inputs

PoE Powered Christmas Lights

Found some broken LED christmas lights (operated originally from 24V transformer) and a suitable spare switch mode power supply (36-72V to 24V). Then I got an idea to combine them to an experimental PoE Christmas light project. Circuit diagram: The circuit operation: Initially circuit presents around 23 kohms impedance when low voltage is on line