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Programmer tips

Things end users care about but programmers don’t | Instadeq Blog (And we agree with them, but our tools make it really hard to provide) Colors Themes Integrations UX Compatibility Operations Challenging projects every programmer should try Whenever you want to learn a new programming language or framework, you could start with one

The 2 Problems Facing Linux (and Open Source) in 2020 | Bryan Lunduke on Patreon 1) Influence (and control) over Open Source institutions by organizations and companies who are, in most areas of their business, opposed to Open Source. 2) Influence (and control) of Open Source projects, institutions, and communities by those seeking to harm others. What comes next? If I had to make a prediction for 2020, based

C code include from stdin

I saw claim that you can include /dev/stdin in C/C++ code compiled with gcc at Facebook posting That post made reference to article It looked interesting so here is my version of C code that includes some data/code from stdin at compile time: #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf(“%s\n”, #include “/dev/stdin” ); return

Finland promises to offers free AI education to every EU citizen Finland has promised to provide European citizens with free access to the Elements of AI, the groundbreaking online course made by Reaktor and the University of Helsinki. The course will be made available in all the official EU languages. This initiative by the Finnish Presidency aims to respond to the challenges posed by the

Grep history

grep is a command-line utility for searching plain-text data sets for lines that match a regular expression. It was originally developed for the Unix operating system, but later available for all Unix-like systems including Linux. I use grep very much on Linux. In this video Brian Kernighan discusses the origin of grep command If you

AI And Economic Productivity Expect Evolution Not Revolution – IEEE Spectrum Many analysts have lately been asserting that AI-enabled technologies will dramatically increase economic output. Accenture claims that by 2035 AI will double growth rates for 12 developed countries and increase labor productivity by as much as a third. PwC claims that AI will add $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, while McKinsey

Sony PlayStation Teardown

Celebrating the console’s 25th birthday in style, iFixit makes PlayStation teardown,breaks out the DualShock controllers and the screwdrivers reports The detailed tear-down is available now on the iFixit website. For those interested in the inner workings of the original PlayStation the company also has a service guide.

Unix at 50

We are celebrating 50 years of Unix. For very many computer people Unix started it all. Some operating system elicit emotions of love and affection…. And Unix is one of them. Unix  is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix. Unix was originally meant to be a

VGA to SCART adapters

Some time ago I saw  The ultimate VGA to SCART adapter project at Hackaday with description: Accurate recreation of vintage arcades is becoming increasingly difficult. CRT monitors are rare nowadays and, even if you find one, it will probably not support the 15.7Khz horizontal frequency used by many old arcades. A good alternative is a