
Coputer topics

Deep Dive: Intel Analysis of Microarchitectural Data Sampling This technical deep dive expands on the information in the Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS) guidance. Be sure to review the disclosure overview for software developers first and apply any microcode updates from your OS vendor. Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla release patches for ZombieLoad chip flaws Intel MDS Vulnerabilities: What You Need

With USB 4, Thunderbolt and USB will converge | TechCrunch The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) has unveiled the specifications of USB 4.0, as Engadget reports. And USB 4.0 looks a lot like Thunderbolt 3. Specifications won’t be finalized until later this year, but it seems that one port and one cable type to rule them all. With Thunderbolt 3, Intel added USB 3.1 Gen

Circular buffer for embedded systems – Overlay Technology The circular buffer behaviour is ideal for implementing any data structure that is statically allocated and behaves like FIFO. As an example, mailboxes and queues can be implemented using the circular buffer as a kernel. This post is part of the Memory Control Structures series. Also, read the other posts in the series…

Linux 4.18 Continues Prepping For The Year 2038 The Linux kernel has already been prepping for years for Year 2038 and that work is still ongoing with the in-development Linux 4.18 kernel. The Year 2038 problem is when systems using a signed 32-bit integer for storing the time since 1 January 1970 (standard for the Unix time-stamp) will wrap around. Solving the

Electronics trends for 2019

Electronics technology and market trends for 2019: Markets: The Future of the Semiconductor Industry is Bright. Demand is rising for AI and automotive, flat for mobile phones, with trade uncertainty looming over everything. Foundries see growth and new issues in 2019. WSTS industry forecast projects annual global market growth of 2.6 percent in 2019. Politics:

Computer trends 2019

Here are some ICT trends for year 2019 picked from various sources (linked to sources) and edited by me: General: From AI to Moore’s Law, the entire industry is deep in the throes of massive changes. The future will be characterized by smart devices delivering increasingly insightful digital services everywhere. While CPUs continue to evolve,

Turns out the science saying screen time is bad isn’t science | TechCrunch Is screen time good or bad? Hard to sau for sure. A new study is making waves in the worlds of tech and psychology by questioning the basis of thousands of papers and analyses with conflicting conclusions on the effect of screen time on well-being. There seems to be a lot bad science.