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The largest software acquisition ever: IBM to buy Red Hat for $34B

This is a big deal for Linux business: IBM announced today it would pay a record $34 billion in cash and debt to acquire enterprise open source provider Red Hat. This is the biggest software acquisition in history. It seems that IBM is buying Red Hat to become a hybrid cloud company. Prior

Microsoft suspends Windows 10 update, citing data loss reports | TechCrunch A few day after making the latest version of Windows 10 available to users, Microsoft has suspended the update: “We have paused the rollout of the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) for all users as we investigate isolated reports of users missing some files after updating,” the company writes on its support

Supply Chain Security is the Whole Enchilada, But Who’s Willing to Pay for It? — Krebs on Security You can have it fast, cheap, or secure — pick any two. It seems to be possible as long as “secure” isn’t one of your choices. “Our IT industry is inexorably international, and anyone involved in the process can subvert the security of the end product,” Schneier wrote. We don’t often hear about intentional

Happy 10th anniversary, Android | TechCrunch It has been 10 years since Google took the wraps off the G1, the first Android phone. Since that time the OS has grown from buggy, nerdy iPhone alternative to arguably the most popular (or at least populous) computing platform in the world. This article is a brief retrospective on the last decade of

Linus Torvalds and Linux Code of Conduct: 7 myths debunked Since Linus Torvalds announced he was taking time off to work on his behaviorin the Linux developer community and a new Linux kernel developer Code of Conduct (CoC) was introduced, there has been hysterical myths regarding what’s happening. No, protesting programmers are not removing code from Linux; there are no purges of politically incorrect

Stephen Colebourne’s blog: Do not fall into Oracle’s Java 11 trap Java 11 has been released. It is a major release. In addition to new features Oracle have also set it up to be a trap (either deliberately or accidentally). For 23 years, developers have downloaded the JDK from Oracle and used it for $free. But not anymore as earlier as it commercial that needs

The Bell System Technical Journal (1922-1983) : Free Texts The scientific discoveries and technological innovations produced by Bell System research and engineering were critical not only to the evolution of global telecommunications but, more widely, they had a considerable impact on the technological base of the global economy. The invention of the transistor at Bell labs in 1947, and subsequent advances in related

Bandwidth Versus Video Resolution – Tutorial – Maxim This article from MAXIM discusses the key relationship between video resolution and the required bandwidth to accurately process and display that video signal. The equations and table address standard definition, NTSC and PAL, as well as high definition DTV standards. Computer display formats are also covered.