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DOSbox runs old DOS software

This posting tells the story how I got a video made of my old computer demo from almost 25 years ago. The story of that computer demo told in Computer Demo: Bogus Party III Video by Bogus Device posting. That old program was designed to run on DOS operating system on a pretty old hardware.

Demoscene – ASSEMBLY Summer 2018 Watch the demo competition live on Finnish national TV! The legendary Assembly demo competition will be shown live on national (Finnish) YLE TV2 channel on Saturday August 4 starting around midnight after the ROG Tournament CS:GO Finnish Championship 2018 Finals. You can view event also on-line: AssemblyTV hosts interviews, chats and of course the

The merger of networking, storage, RAM, and cache | EDN–storage–RAM–and-cache Since the dawn of civilization, the computing bottleneck has been the tawdry I/O relationship between disk drives and RAM (random access memory). The emergence of SSDs (solid state drives) loosened but didn’t alter this I/O bottleneck. With fast networks computers can move data onto their disks from remote systems as fast as they can

10 Hello World programs for your Raspberry Pi “Hello world” is the beginning of everything when it comes to computing and programming. Having a nice simple readable “hello world” program makes for a good intro for beginners learning your language, library, framework, or tool. This article shows ten different “hello world” programs that can be run on the Raspberry Pi using its

Apple releases from WWDC 2018 Apple had on Monday’s WWDC 2018 a keynote presentation that announced new product updates. Apple issued initial beta versions of its upcoming platform upgrades, including iOS 12, macOS 10.14 Mojave, watchOS 5, and tvOS 12.

Gaming addiction classified as disorder by WHO

Here are some news related to addictive gaming: Gaming addiction classified as disorder by WHO Gaming can be too addictive to some people. Now gaming addiction is to be listed as a mental health condition for the first time. The World Health Organisation’s 11th International Classification of Diseases (ICD) will include the condition