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New things at Google I/O 2018

Google I/O 2018 is starts soon. I/O tries to bring together developers from around the globe for talks, hands-on learning with Google experts, and a first look at Google’s latest developer products. The Verge article Eight things to expect at Google I/O 2018 tells that at this year’sI/O, which will be held again at the

What to expect at Microsoft’s Build 2018 conference

Fresh off of Windows 10′s major April update, Microsoft is gearing up for its annual two-day Build conference in Seattle on Monday. Engadget article What to expect at Microsoft’s Build 2018 conference tells what to expect from this celebration of the company’s developer community. Wired has also published What to Expect from Microsoft Build 2018

Do you need a blockchain? | TechCrunch Blockchain technology is set to have a profound impact on a wide variety of industries. Blockchain technology is still surrounded by its fair share of hype and uncertainty. It seems that the term blockchain has become a bit diluted as the hype has continued to bloom. There is an inherent risk that managers eager

Technical Cheat Sheets for Developers – RHD Blog Here are the cheat sheets available today: Linux Commands Cheat Sheet, Advanced Linux Commands Cheat Sheet, Wildfly Swarm Cheat Sheet, Containers Cheat Sheet, MongoDB Cheat Sheet, Kubernetes Cheat Sheet and the Eclipse Vert.x Cheat Sheet.

Know how RESTful your API is: An Overview of the Richardson Maturity Model – RHD Blog Let’s say we designed a REST API. How do we know how much Restful API is? Some developers call it “Not Restful API”, some call it “Partially Restful API”, for some, it is “Fully Restful API”, and for some “It is not REST API at all or they call it SOAP based web service”.

IBM working on ‘world’s smallest computer’ to attach to just about everything | TechCrunch IBM is hard at work on the problem of ubiquitous computing, and its approach, understandably enough, is to make a computer small enough that you might mistake it for a grain of sand. Eventually these omnipresent tiny computers could help authenticate products, track medications and more.

Everything Surrounding These New AMD Security Allegations Reeks of a Hit Job – ExtremeTech CTS-Labs, has accused AMD of 13 serious security flaws within its products. Standard operating procedure in security disclosures; vendors are typically given at least a 90-day window to implement solutions. But in this case, AMD was notified a day ahead of the disclosure.

How GDPR Will Change The Way You Develop — Smashing Magazine Europe’s imminent privacy overhaul means that we all have to become more diligent about what data we collect, how we collect it, and what we do with it. In our turbulent times, these privacy obligations are about ethics as well as law. Web developers have a major role to play here. After all, healthy

Google’s Song Maker Google has added a new instrument to its Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker. Song Maker allows you to make songs. Everything happens in the browser. Song Maker is essentially an easy to use sequencer that lets you draw melodies in the browser. You are able to define a sequence of notes using a chessboard

Getting started with SQL | Building a relational database using SQL is easier than you think. You don’t need to be an experienced programmer to use SQL to create a database. This article explains how to create a simple relational database management system (RDMS) using MySQL 5.6.