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Containers and microservices complicate cloud-native security Developing applications with microservices and containers may be a modern approach to software design, but traditional software flaws still remain a problem when addressing cloud-native security. When you think about microservices-architected, there’s a wide range of, I guess you could say opinions, about what that means.  In this age of DevOps and cloud-native development, the software

​Linux totally dominates supercomputers | ZDNet  “All 500 of the world’s fastest supercomputers are running Linux” Linux rules supercomputing. This day has been coming since 1998. Before Linux took the lead, Unix was supercomputing’s top operating system. Now it seems that it will take a hardware revolution, such as quantum computing, to shake Linux’s supercomputing grip.  To this day, the Beowulf design remains

Turing Machine paper is published, November 12, 1937–November-12–1937?utm_content=buffer3dc5b&utm_medium=social&  Britain’s Alan Turingpublished a paper entitled “On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungs-problem” on November 12, 1937, was later renamed the Turing Machine.

One Bitcoin Transaction Now Uses As Much Energy As Your House In a Week – Slashdot It look like Bitcoin is not very “clean” technology: Bitcoin’s incredible price run to break over $7,000 this year has sent its overall electricity consumption soaring, as people worldwide bring more energy-hungry computers online to mine the digital currency.  Bitcoin miners burn through over 24 terawatt-hours of electricity annually. This averages out to a shocking 215

How Threat Modeling Helps Discover Security Vulnerabilities Application threat modeling can be used as an approach to secure software development, as it is a nice preventative measure for dealing with security issues, and mitigates the time and effort required to deal with vulnerabilities that may arise later throughout the application’s production life cycle. Unfortunately, it seems security has no place in

The digital age of data art | TechCrunch Many artists use as material for art the raw data produced by our societies, seeking innovative means of display or transforming it into a work of art. By blurring boundaries between art and information, data artdispels the myth of the romantic artist while offering a fundamental artistic act in a critical commentary of the digital age

MINIX — The most popular OS in the world, thanks to Intel | Network World I did not know this earlier (I knew about another OS inside but did not know which it was): You might not know it, but inside your Intel system, you have an operating system running in addition to your main OS, MINIX. And it’s raising eyebrows and concerns.

Perl is the most hated programming language / Boing Boing Perl, the Old Spice of programming languages, is the most disliked by a significant margin, reports Stack Overflow. Delphi, and Visual Basic are running neck-and-neck for second place. I think Perl is OK. I quess that most of those who hate it have never really tried it. There are many much worse programming languages that are

Open Source Game Clones This site tries to gather open-source remakes of great old games in one place. You get the source code – and can even play some games in your browser. This is a long list which will bring back gaming memories. Some of these games aren’t exact remakes but evolution of original ones.  Similar resources: check out Free Gamer,