
Coputer topics

Sinclair QL is 40 years old

40 years since Sinclair QL was released. And what a weird machine it was. I did not own one, but a friend had one. How Sinclair’s QL computer outshined Apple’s Macintosh against all odds Compatible hardware and peripherals are still on sale, four decades after its launch. Two weeks before Apple launched the Macintosh,

Online coding tools

Earlier when you wanted to try a programming language, you needed to install compiler and IDE software to your computer. Now there are many on-line tools that allow you to test programming with many programming languages. Many languages on one service: JavaScript C and C++ Python

MISRA C coding standard

MISRA C is a set of software development guidelines for the C programming language developed by The MISRA Consortium. The aims of MISRA C aare to facilitate code safety, security, portability and reliability in the context of embedded systems, especifically those systems programmed in ISO C / C90 / C99. There is also a set

GNU at 40

GNU project turned 40 years old few days ago. GNU turns 40: Stallman’s baby still not ready for prime time, but hey, there’s cake It turned the software industry upside down regardless Happy birthday to GNU. On September 27, there will be events in both the US and Switzerland to celebrate the 40th anniversary

FreeBSD Celebrating Its 30th Anniversary

FreeBSD Celebrating Its 30th Anniversary It was on 19 June 1993 that the FreeBSD name was chosen for the project born out of 386BSD. The first official release of FreeBSD though wasn’t until November 1993. FreeBSD is an operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms. It is derived from

No Moore Anymore

Gordon Moore, Intel Co-Founder, Dies at 94 Mar 24, 2023 Moore, who set the course for the future of the semiconductor industry, devoted his later years to philanthropy. Moore and his longtime colleague Robert Noyce founded Intel in July 1968. Prior to establishing Intel, Moore and Noyce participated in the founding of Fairchild Semiconductor,

Windows 12 predictions

Is there going to be Windows 12? Microsoft has not confirmed a release date for Windows 12 (or even acknowledged the next-generation operating system). It is not official, but there are many hints that Microsoft will release Windows 12 in 2023 or 2024. Here is some leaks and predictions material I have found on Windows

25 years of XML

XML is now 25 years old. You probably missed the XML standard on the 10th of February 1998 (design work started 1996; 27 years ago), but it’s almost certain that XML has touched your life in many ways. The idea of one strictly compliant universal markup language to rule them all was extremely interesting in

HP ENVY 17 fan repair

The HP Envy (stylized as HP ENVY) is a line of consumer-oriented high-end laptops, desktop computers and printers manufactured and sold by HP Inc. They started as a high-end version of the HP Pavilion line. I have had a HP ENCY 17 laptop for many years. It has worked well. But just some days ago