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Keyboard teardown

Why do cheap key feel so bad when typing. Let’s take a tear-down of one HP keyboard. Let’s open it Rubber makes the “keyboard bad feel”. I remenber rubber keyboard feel from Sinclair Spectrum (at 1983)… Flexible circuit board material is used for switches Circuit board Not much to see on the other side of

Top Linux distros for computer repair | There are specialized tools that can aid you in fixing problems with a computer or help you be prepared for when something bad does happen. Many of these tools are actually highly-specialized Linux distributions.  This article takes look at five different Linux distributions designed to make your life easier when computers start giving you

Kristoffer Lawson talks about a future where you zoom into work | TechCrunch Kristoffer Lawson created Solu, the social computer. His tiny device uses a unique UI and UX to allow you to connect with friends and collaborate using an icon-based OS that lets you zoom in and out of work. Lawson speaks about the future of computing and how his ideas – and the ideas of other

Bluetooth Vulnerability Affects All Major OS Turn off your Bluetooth! I checked that mine was turned off after reading this: Security researchers from Armis Labs recently published a whitepaper unveiling eight critical 0-day Bluetooth-related vulnerabilities, affecting Linux, Windows, Android and iOS operating systems. These vulnerabilities alone or combined can lead to privileged code execution on a target device. The only requirement is:

1st actual computer bug found, September 9, 1947 | EDN–September-9–1947?utm_content=buffer327f4&utm_medium=social& The term “bug” had been used by engineers to describe flaws in machines as far back as Thomas Edison, but Hopper popularized “bug” and “debug” as early computer-programmer language. 

Sun set: Oracle closes down Sun product lines Officially, Oraclehasn’t said a thing.  As many as 2,500 Oracle, former Sun, employees have been laid off. Good bye, SPARC. Good bye, Solaris. Your day is done. None of this is a real surprise.  Indeed, you’d be hard pressed to find anything that went right with Oracle’s $7.2 billion purchase of Sun. Oracle buying Sun was a

Flip-flop qubits: Radical new quantum computing design invented Engineers at Australia’s University of New South Wales have invented a radical new architecture for quantum computing, based on novel ‘flip-flop qubits’, that promises to make the large-scale manufacture of quantum chips dramatically cheaper – and easier – than thought possible.

What is edge computing? | Edge computing is poised to boost the next generation of IoT technology into the mainstream. Here’s how it works with the cloud to benefit business operations in all industries There is much speculation about edge replacing cloud, and in some cases, it may do so. However, in many situations, the two have a symbiotic

Tech companies spend more on R&D than any other companies in the U.S. – Recode Tech companies lead top U.S. companies in R&D spending. Amazon is No. 1. That’s notable because spending on research and development is a key indicator for U.S. productivity, a measure of how well our economy is doing, and productivity has been decreasing lately. Amazon, Alphabet, Intel, Microsoft and Apple, tech companies spent more on research