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Friday Fun: Watch this guy play Super Mario Bros. IRL in Central Park using HoloLens Super Mario Bros. is iconic, so it’s a natural target for augmented reality development, where everything nostalgic is new again. This demo, created by Abhishek Singh, really is amazing, however. Singh recreated the first level of Super Mario Bros. as an augmented reality game on Microsoft HoloLens.

Arduino developers get extra support as Codeanywhere acquires Codebender Codeanywhere, a cross platform cloud IDE for creating web apps and sites has acquired Codebender, another cloud IDE that enables users to develop for Arduino devices.  Codebender and its additional services and will continue to operate and be supported by Codeanywhere. Codebender has attracted about 100,000 users and more than 300,000 projects are

Great DevOps engineers follow these five laws “A good engineer is a lazy engineer,” some will say. And to a certain extent, it’s true: Laziness is a great quality if you’re automating repetitive tasks.” Banish the phrase, “I don’t know” . But saying, “I’ll have to do some research,” or “I know someone that might be able to point me in the

How to launch a community project on GitHub | GitHub has become a fairly central part of many open source projects. Although many people focus on the code-hosting aspect of GitHub, the platform also includes comprehensive features for issue management, code review, and integration with many other tools and platforms. For new open source projects, however, getting started and ensuring that GitHub repos are

AI powered monster drawing tool

Artificial intelligence (AI) applied to drawing starts to create interesting image manipulation applications. I I have earlier written about an interesting AutoDraw tool in my Google’s New Program ‘AutoDraw’ Will Help Your Drawings Suck Less posting. Now there is some other well worth to check out experiments. Create your own hellish monsters with this sketch-based

Thin Client Market Embraces Raspberry Pi | Is the Raspberry Pi ready to take over the low-end thin client market? This week, NComputing unveiled the RX-HDX, its second Raspberry Pi based thin client. In addition, ViewSonic announced a software upgrade for the Pi-based SC-T25 thin client that it announced last year. The future of thin clients — low-cost, remotely managed virtual client

Death of Moore’s Law Makes Open Hardware Possible – Hackster’s Blog Bunnie argued that while Moore’s Law held if you started developing a project at the point when a vendor released their silicon it would be obsolescent even before you managed to ship it.  We may well have reached the point where our computing is “good enough.” That, at least as far as computing is concerned, we’re