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The GIF Turns 30: How an Ancient Format Changed the Internet | WIRED Wilhite finished the first version of the GIF specification on May, 1987.  Compuserve began using the format the next month. This was two years before Sir Tim Berners-Lee announced his World Wide Web project and six years before the Mosiac browser made the web widely accessible. It was the web that made the GIF what it is

How to Write a Secure Code in C/C++ Programming Languages Secure coding in C/C++ programming languages is a big deal. The two languages, which are commonly used in a multitude of applications and operating systems, are popular, flexible, and versatile – and often vulnerable to exploitation. Sometimes the solution is to code using a safer language like Java. However, this is not always the

Thunderbolt 3 is coming  On Wednesday, Intel announced it will integrate Thunderbolt 3 into future CPUs. More importantly, the company said it would open up the long-secret protocol to the world, royalty-free. A world where one USB-C connector does it all—today, and for many years to come.

Fight ransomware: Run Windows in Linux as a virtual machine Running Windows as a virtual machine in Linux may seems like unnecessary work until something like the Wannacry ransomware scare comes along.  Despite its headaches, desktop Linux rarely is the target of malware. (When it is, it can generally present a smaller attack surface.)  And if you need to run applications in Windows, run

It takes more than a Circuit Breaker to create a resilient application – RHD Blog Topics such as application resiliency, self-healing, antifragility are area of interest for many. This article is trying to distinguish, define, and visualize these concepts, and create solutions with these characteristics. So what does a typical resiliency pitch look like: use timeouts, isolate in bulkheads, and of course apply the circuit breaker pattern. I agree with all

Web Developer Security Checklist – Simple Security Developing secure, robust web applications in the cloud is hard, very hard. If you think it is easy, you are either a higher form of life or you have a painful awakening ahead of you. Think twice before you launch your “proto-product”. Acknowledge that you are skipping many of critical security issues. At the very minimum, be honest with

What to expect from Google I/O 2017 Google’s annual I/O developer conference starts on Wednesday. I ecpect it to be full of news and announcements. The next version of Google’s mobile OS – Android O will likely be revealed.  Android is going to work beyond smartphones and tablets. Android O could bring additional VR features.  Google pushes Wear and Wear-related tech and development

11 wisdoms from half a life in open source A software engineer at Google working on the Go programming language keynotes at OSCON this year. Fitzpatrick’s keynote at OSCON this year was based on bits of wisdom from half a life in open source. This article highlights the key points fr that keynote – worth to read.

With Cosmos DB, Microsoft wants to build one database to rule them all | TechCrunch Cosmos DB is the new globally distributed database Microsoft is launching at its Build developer conference today. The project that started seven years ago to prototype what a globally distributed (or “planet-scale,” as Microsoft often likes to call it) database would look like. This project was called “Project Florence”, turned into DocumentDB, Azure’s NoSQL database service, and is