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Tracking the explosive growth of open-source software | TechCrunch Many of today’s hottest new enterprise technologies are centered around free, “open-source” technology. As a result, many big companies — from financial giants to retailers to services firms — are building their businesses around new, community-based technology that represents a sea change from the IT practices of the past. But how can corporate customers

Growing Ubuntu for cloud and IoT, rather than phone and convergence There are some important changes in Ubuntu Linux development: “I’m writing to let you know that we will end our investment in Unity8, the phone and convergence shell. We will shift our default Ubuntu desktop back to GNOME for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.”

Sequential Programming Considered Harmful? – IEEE Spectrum Today, multicore processors power our laptops and cellphones. Distributed cloud servers or supercomputer clusters process large data sets. To take full advantage of these systems, you need parallel algorithms. “It’s a parallel world,”  Why is no one teaching a course in parallel algorithms to freshmen?  Currently, most introductory computer science courses start with sequential