Friday Fun: DevOps Reactions — Using the right command on the wrong… →
Coputer topics → Time to start building computers differently according to Intel. → Cool if this is true. Hopefully this is not like the previous VR bubbles. →
I have several times pointed to interesting material that is posted to Control Geek blog. Here is another good time to point you there. My Show Networks talk from The Eleventh HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) article tells that John Huntington’s Show Networks talk from The Eleventh HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) is now here on →
The history of Linux began in 1991 with the commencement of a personal project by Finnish student Linus Torvalds to create a new free operating system kernel. Happy Birthday! Linux turns 25 article tells that that Linus’ initially glot his project off the ground in April 1991 and announced in in 25 August 1991. Linus → First they bring Bash to Windows, and now port PowerShell to Linux. → There are many players in today’s IoT game. → Comparison of Python and Node.js for web site development. → Tips how ti market open source projects. → This article gives tips and links on how to write good software documentation. →