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Commodore 64 is 40 years old

Commodore 64 (C64) was the most popular home computer in the days when you connected your computer to the TV set. This most popular home computer just turns 40 years old. Commodore C64: The Most Popular Home Computer Ever Turns 40 article tells that this year marks the anniversary of the most popular selling home

Windows 10 links

Here are links to some links to maybe useful Windows 10 information:

New Spectre-v2 vulnerability

Meltdown and Spectre are vulnerabilities in modern computers that can be used to leak passwords and sensitive data. Meltdown and Spectre exploit critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. These hardware vulnerabilities allow programs to steal data which is currently processed on the computer. The vulnerabilities were found in 2017 by several researches, but were kept secret

Shot in the ARM

Now that’s two shots on the ARM processors. NVIDIA and SoftBank Group Announce Termination of NVIDIA’s Acquisition of Arm Limited. NVIDIA has announced it is dropping its plan to acquire Arm, walking away from a deal originally valued at $40 billion in stocks and shares — with the Cambridge-based company set to go public under

Blinking Cursor Turns 54

Blinking Cursor Turns 54, Hardly Anyone Notices The article purports that the Apple II was the first place the general public would encounter the invention. We guess it depends on how you define the general public. The VT50 had a blinking cursor. Regardless, the invention has stood the test of time. Humans are adept

CES 2022

The Consumer Electronics Show, or CES, is held every year in Las Vegas. CES 2022 doesn’t officially start until Wednesday, but the news is already trickling in. CES® 2022: The Countdown Is On. Over 2200 exhibitors are confirmed to exhibit in person at CES 2022. CES 2022 in-person exhibitor list had shrank lately with some