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Computer Programming To Be Officially Renamed “Googling Stackoverflow”?

According to Computer Programming To Be Officially Renamed “Googling Stackoverflow” article The IEEE have produced a report today where they strongly recommend that from now on, the discipline of Computer Programming should be officially renamed to “Googling Stackoverflow” - IEEE QLASOS for short. I’m HOPING this is a joke…   But it’s somewhat true for junior coders that

Ubuntu on Windows 10

Could Microsoft’s love for Linux be extending into Windows 10 territory? Microsoft to show Bash on Linux running on Windows 10 article says that newly leaked session title from Microsoft’s upcoming Build 2016 developer conference has us Microsoft watchers speculating that you’ll soon be able to run Ubuntu on Windows 10. Microsoft and Canonical partner

Linux at 25: Why It Flourished While Others Fizzled – IEEE Spectrum

Linux at 25: Why It Flourished While Others Fizzled – IEEE Spectrum Linux was started 25 years ago in Finland by Linus Torvalds. Look at the history and reasons why it started revolution. Today linux rules on servers, smart phones and embedded systems. After that you should also read Linux at 25: Q&A With

History of the Amiga | Series | Ars Technica

Jeremy Reimer’s long-running History of the Amiga series is interesting reading for those who remember Commodore Amiga from their childhood. When it first arrived, the Amiga was a dream machine… Posted from WordPress for Android

AlteredQualia webgl demos

AlteredQualia webgl demos has a cool set of demos what kind of 3D grahics can be done on modern web browser using WebGL technology. Other worth to check out WebGL demos can be found at Learning WebGL and Chrome WebGL Experiments page.