
Coputer topics

New approaches for embedded development

The idea for this posting started when I read New approaches to dominate in embedded development article. Then I found some ther related articles and here is the result: long article. Embedded devices, or embedded systems, are specialized computer systems that constitute components of larger electromechanical systems with which they interface. The advent of low-cost

Announcing SQL Server on Linux – The Official Microsoft Blog

Today I’m excited to announce our plans to bring SQL Server to Linux as well. This will enable SQL Server to deliver a consistent data platform across Windows Server and Linux, as well as on-premises and cloud. We are bringing the core relational database capabilities to preview today, and are targeting availability in mid-2017.

Processing runs on browser

Processing is a flexible free software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. I have thought that I should test Processing some day because it looks interesting and easy to learn. I finally did sort of testing. Let’s start from basics and history. Processing is an

Scratch visual programming

Scratch is a very easy to use and learn language designed by the MIT Media Lab mainly intended to introduce programming to children aged 7-16. I can be fun to older people as well. Scratch is a visual programming language. It can be accessed as a free desktop and online multimedia authoring tool that can

How to explain software development

How do I explain to non-programmers how complex, time-consuming, and error-prone software development is? A classic teaching tool for this is the “make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich” demo. Posted from WordPress for Android

The Science Behind Leap Years And How They Work | IFLScience

Not only are leap years the result of millennia of mathematical work, they are also the consequence of rulers imposing their will on people’s day to day lives, and the gradual understanding of our place in the universe. Posted from WordPress for Android