
Coputer topics

Picture of me testing Solu computer

I just saw this picture of me testing hopefully revolutinary Solu computer prototype at Solu launch posted to Solu Machines Twitter account:   After I tested the Solu computer, I first was wondering how to use it. But after just few tips the UI felt pretty clear to use for me. It was easier to

Solu – change can happen?

I had known for some time that Kristoffer Lawson has been working on some ambitious project he don’t want to reveal details until it is ready for launch. Firts there was promotional video features Finnish hip-hop star Paleface. Now it is the time to reveal the product. From Finland becomes again an ambitious new startup

DRM does not work as planned!

I have earlier made several post to this blog on DRM – including telling that DRM just does not work. Still several industry groups are trying to push DRM here and there as a solution to their business challenges for example in web and HTML. For example under pressure from the movie studios, along with