How to destroy Programmer Productivity | George Stocker Posted from WordPress for Android →
Coputer topics Posted from WordPress for Android →
Dice Insights has made a nice Skills graph that shows many IT skills and how they are related to each other. You can find that inteactive graph at → Posted from WordPress for Android →
GitHub’s Atom Text Editor Hits 1.0, Now Has Over 350,000 Monthly Active article got me interested in Atom editor software. Atom is GitHub’s highly extensible open source text editor. Atom project was started by the founder of GitHub, Chris Wanstrath in the mid of year 2008. Nearly 6 years later, the first public beta was → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
MEAN Vs. LAMP: Finding the Right Fit For Your Next Project SlashDot posting notes that LAMP diehards should take note: The flexible simplicity of MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js is no joke and could very well be a worthwhile stack for your next programming project, writes InfoWorld’s Peter Wayner. “ InfoWorld’s article MEAN vs. LAMP →
Solid State Drives have become the standard for computing in the last few years. With the prices of solid-state drives expected to reach parity with hard-disk drives next year, are HDDs doomed? SSD Prices In A Free Fall article tells that the hard-disk drive vendors point to the higher price of solid-state drives as a →
There has been long time discussion on if RISC or CISC processor architecture is more efficient. CISC (Complex instruction set computing) was the most popular architecture before RISC became popular. According to Wikipedia before the RISC philosophy became prominent, many computer architects tried to bridge the so-called semantic gap, i.e. to design instruction sets that →
The leap second is coming to confuse the internet today article tells that today June 30 2015 just before midnight in London, the world’s atomic clocks will add one extra second, reading a time of 23:59:60 before ticking back to 00:00:00. You can expect to see some problems somewhere as in 2012, the unexpected leap second crashed →