
Coputer topics

Your computer leaks secret information

This is somewhat worrying development as Wired writes that Researchers develop palm-sized device, built for less than $300, that can steal laptop crypto keys using radio waves leaked by its processor. This Radio Bug Can Steal Laptop Crypto Keys, Fits Inside a Pita article tells that the list of paranoia-inducing threats to your computer’s security

The creation of the modern laptop

Here is some reading if you are interested in computer hardware and how it developed as you see it today. Sebastian Anthony / Ars Technica: How lithium-ion batteries, industrial design and Moore’s law created modern laptops article takes a look at the creation of the modern laptop: An in-depth look at lithium-ion batteries, industrial design,

One hacker way

Agile and Scrum have been widely used buzzwords in software development for many years. One Hacker Way, a Rational Alternative to Agile Presented at Reaktor Dev Day 2014 is a brilliant talk on modern software development practices and need to change them. Erik Meijer was a software architect for Microsoft where he headed the Cloud