
Coputer topics


Since the late 1970s and early 1980s, many of those in the technology community have imagined a future state of, if not quasi-successor to, the Internet – called the “Metaverse”. Metverse is a vision of the future networking that sounds fantastical. The Metaverse is a collective virtual shared space[1] including the sum of all virtual


The venerable ATX standard was developed in 1995 by Intel. It uses a power supply with many output voltages to motherboard. Ever since the original ATX PSU standard, the improvements have been gradual and never disruptive. Intel has been feeling some years that it is time to update the way PC motherboards. Starting in 2019,

Donkey Kong celebrates its 40th anniversary

Happy birthday, Donkey Kong – and Mario! Donkey Kong celebrates its 40th anniversary today THE ICONIC APE AND MARIO BOTH MADE THEIR DEBUTS ON JULY 9, 1981 It was on July 9, 1981 that Nintendo first published and released the original Donkey Kong arcade machines in Japan, kicking off a series that would remain

Windows 11 is released

Microsoft announces Windows 11, generally available by the holidays Microsoft today officially announced Windows 11, the next version of its desktop operating system. Microsoft plans to release Windows 11 to the general public by the holidays, so we can probably expect it sometime around late November. You will now also be able to run

DDR5 memory is coming

In the hardware world, we’ve gone through generations of GPUs and processors, but we’re still rocking the same DDR4 RAM that’s been mainstream in PCs for almost seven years. But now it seems that DDR5 is finally coming: DDR5 modules are just around the corner, as production is in full swing and manufacturers are teasing

Windows 11 is coming?

Microsoft has been calling Windows 10 ‘the last version of Windows’ for many years. But now based on current published information on-line that there will be a new Windows version coming, maybe with name Windows 11 or similar. One fact is that Microsoft is having a Windows release event soon that starts at 11AM ET

Digital transformation 2021

Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends For 2021 Predictions 2021: Technology diversity drives IoT growth Enterprises, consumers, and different stakeholders will continue to drive demand for new internet-of-things (IoT) applications, technologies, and solutions in 2021 across verticals and geographies. Here are Forrester’s five major IoT predictions for 2021.