
Coputer topics

Linux 4.0 is here

I earlier reported that Linux 4.0 is coming. Now it is here: Linux 4.0 debuts with the usual no fanfare. Linux Lord Linus Torvalds made it official with a typically brief post to the Linux kernel mailing list. The new number isn’t a sign of a major upgrade, which is not to say this release

HTML5 is here

I can say that HMTL5 is now finally mainstream. HTML5′s “Dirty Little Secret”: It’s Already Everywhere, Even In Mobile  article tells that while HTML5 has never really lived up to its potential, due a problem with marketing as awell as VisionMobile posits, this is partly a problem with performance and partly a question of tooling.

Full stack developer at IoT era

Since Facebook’s Carlos Bueno wrote the canonical article about the full stack in 2010, there has been no shortage of posts trying to define it. For a time, Facebook allegedly only hired “full-stack developers.” That probably wasn’t quite true, even if they thought it was. Is it reasonable to expect mere mortals to have mastery over