10 Most Expensive Video Games Ever Developed | Business News
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http://realbusinessgist.com/10-most-expensive-video-games-ever-developed/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
Moore’s Law is turning 50 years old. On April 19, 1965, Electronics magazine published a paper in which Gordon Moore made a stunning observation: About every two years, engineers should be able to cram twice as many transistors into the same area of a silicon chip. At its core of the article was a non-intuitive, and →
I earlier reported that Linux 4.0 is coming. Now it is here: Linux 4.0 debuts with the usual no fanfare. Linux Lord Linus Torvalds made it official with a typically brief post to the Linux kernel mailing list. The new number isn’t a sign of a major upgrade, which is not to say this release →
I can say that HMTL5 is now finally mainstream. HTML5′s “Dirty Little Secret”: It’s Already Everywhere, Even In Mobile article tells that while HTML5 has never really lived up to its potential, due a problem with marketing as awell as VisionMobile posits, this is partly a problem with performance and partly a question of tooling. →
http://trixter.oldskool.org/2015/04/07/8088-mph-we-break-all-your-emulators/ interesting article on computer demo that really pushes old 80′s IBM PC hardware to it’s limits and beyond what you would expect from it. Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/semiconductors/design/the-death-of-moores-law-will-spur-innovation Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/hardware/transistor-production-has-reached-astronomical-scales Posted from WordPress for Android →
Since Facebook’s Carlos Bueno wrote the canonical article about the full stack in 2010, there has been no shortage of posts trying to define it. For a time, Facebook allegedly only hired “full-stack developers.” That probably wasn’t quite true, even if they thought it was. Is it reasonable to expect mere mortals to have mastery over →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/semiconductors/processors/the-multiple-lives-of-moores-law Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://www.devbattles.com/en/sand/post-619-15+hot+programming+trends++and+15+going+cold Posted from WordPress for Android →