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The elevator programming game

Elevator Saga The elevator programming game is an addictive programming challenge. It is a nice JavaScript simulation of transporting people using one or more elevators. You write the code and the elevators move accordingly on your browser. The initial program supplied is flawed, and you have to write your own program with better algorithm. You

AI solves Texas hold em poker and becomes unbeatable – Geek Bots will soon rule on-line poker… Posted from WordPress for Android

Stephen Hawking talking technology

I just read yesterday that famous English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author Stephen Hawking had his 73rd birthday.So this is a good time to post here some interesting links on Stephen Hawking.  Just last month there were articles that Stephen Hawking’s speech rate doubled with Intel’s new system Acat (Assistive Context Aware Toolkit). ACAT has seen Hawking