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HTML5 is now a W3C Recommendation

Developers, browser vendors and the press have been talking about HTML5 for many years. In reality, however, HTML5 has been flux for a long time. But just yesterdays W3C Declares HTML5 Standard Complete as W3C today published its Recommendation of HTML5 — the final version of the standard after years of adding features and making changes

Arduino and Windows 8.1

I was testing Arduino with new laptop running Windows 8.1. So I hope I could easily get the boards detected by the OS and get the IDE installed without too much problems. I had earlier read reports on new Windows 8 security things making Arduino driver installing hard. There are even video on solving installation

On Counterfeit USB-serial Chips

USB to serial port adapters are gadgets that we have a love/hate relationship. We love that we can add serial port to a new PC, but we hate that many of those adapters do not feel reliable in use. Counterfeit copies of USB to serial ICs have caused headaches for users and manufacurers. And it

Netscape Navigator turned 20

Netscape Navigator – the browser that started it all – turns 20 article tells that it was 20 years ago today, Marc Andreeesen taught the band to play: Netscape Navigator, the browser credited with taking the World Wide Web into the mainstream, was released twenty years ago yesterday, on October 13th 1994. The anniversary celebrated