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Add print to Firefox context menu

I wanted to have Print functionality on Firefox context menu (the menu that comes visible when I press mouse right button). I do not always want to click the dialogue box all the time when I want to print something. Or move hand to keyboard to use the Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut. The easiest solution tip

23 Years of the Linux Kernel

Linux 3.17-rc2 Release Marks 23 Years of the Linux Kernel.  Linus Torvalds released Linux 3.17-rc2 today in commemoration of the 23rd anniversary of the original kernel announcement. On 25 August 1991 Linus announced his new OS project to the Minix users list. Good work for 23 years. There has been almost 23 years of Linux

Windows command prompt output tips

Do you need to copy data from Windows command prompt to other Windows programs easily? In some cases selecting and copying what is seen on the command window can work (right hand button on mouse and select all from menu), but there are also other alternatives. TIL: You can push Windows CMD prompt output to

The Challenge of Cross-Language Interoperability

The Challenge of Cross-Language Interoperability article tells that interfacing between languages is increasingly important. You can no longer expect a nontrivial application to be written in a single language. The Challenge of Cross-language Interoperability has been a problem since the second programming language was invented. Solutions have ranged from language-independent object models such as COM

Open Source GPU Released

Open Source GPU Released. GPLGPU project has developed an open source GPU, written for an FPGA, despite that GPL-GPU Kickstarter was not funded. It’s not a powerhouse but it is full open source. A completely open GPU simply didn’t exist before (only very limited thesis projects earlier). Right now, the GPL-GPU has 3D graphics acceleration

LightBoost HOWTO | Blur Busters

LightBoost HOWTO | Blur Busters ( is an interesting article on technologies used to avoid motion blur on LCD monitors. LightBoost is a programmable strobe backlight. The backlight is turned off while waiting for LCD to finish pixel transitions (unseen by human eyes), and the backlight is strobed only on fully-refreshed LCD frames (seen by human

Views of Hot Chips 2014

Hot Chips: A Symposium on High Performance Chips has been known as one of the semiconductor industry’s leading conferences on high-performance microprocessors and related integrated circuits. It is concentrates on real products and realizable technology. The conference is held once a year in August in the center of the world’s capital of electronics activity, Silicon Valley.

New USB Type-C Connector

USB Type-C Connector is on the news today as they have introduced another new type of USB connector that is not directly compatible with any existing connectors. USB Type-C Connector Specifications Finalized article tells that today the USB-IF (USB Implementers Forum) announced that the latest USB connector which we first caught a glimpse of in