
Coputer topics

Linux Performance Analysis and Tools

I just watched though Linux Performance Analysis and Tools: Brendan Gregg’s Talk at SCaLE 11x. It is an interesting talk is about Linux Performance Analysis and Tools: specifically, observability tools and the methodologies to use them. It goes through over 20 Linux performance analysis tools, including advanced perf and DTrace for Linux, showing the reasons

Hack language

It seems that almost every big IT company needs to have their own programming language nowadays. It seems that every few months someone announces a new fad language, despite most of them them rarely bringing anything new to the table, or the new things they do bring not being significant enough to warrant switching from

Hello World Open 2014 coding competition

I read from Tietoviikko and Facebook today that the first computer programming championships is going to be held in Finland this spring. Hello World Open 2014 competition will be held this spring in Helsinki. The competition is hosted by two Finnish IT companies: technology company Reaktor and very successful mobile gaming company Supercell. The organizers want

Bad elecrolytic capacitors again

Why modern high tech electronics fail? Very often the reason for that is electrolytic capacitor failure. Bad electrolytic capacitors on my PC again. The PC stated acting bad. It kept resetting my itself and quickly failed to boot. So I had to start fault-finding. In this kind of cases, the problems could be bad contact

Linux TTY

The TTY subsystem is central to the design of Linux, and UNIX in general. The TTY system in Linux is a throwback to when computers first because interactive in real-time,but is still very much relevant today. Unfortunately, its importance is often overlooked, and it is difficult to find good introductory articles about it. The TTY

Friday Fun: Source Code in TV and Films

Source Code in TV and Films page shows images of the computer code appearing in TV and films and tells what they really are. British programmer and writer John Graham-Cumming started a blog called Source Code in TV and Films on Jan. 3 after noticing that code used to reboot the futuristic space station in

Your Mouse Is A Terrible Webcam

Did you know that your optical mouse contains a very tiny, very low resolution camera? Your Mouse Is A Terrible Webcam article tells how to turn that tiny optical sensor into a webcam. Logitech RX 250 has an ADNS-5020 optical sensor (15×15 pixel grayscale image sensor) with SPI interface. The project uses Arduino, Ethernet shield,

International Obfuscated C Code Contest Winners

International Obfuscated C Code Contest Winners Posted. The International Obfuscated C Contest – the contest to create the most useful, useless, or unique program in absolutely unreadable C code – posted some days ago the results of 22nd International Obfuscated C Code Contest (2013) All the submissions are awesome. One of the most impressive entries