
Coputer topics

Fixing slow Firefox

Firefox shouldn’t feel slow, particularly when compared to Opera and Internet Explorer. But sometimes Firefox can become slow. This happened to my browser that had been in active use for years. When I started to search for solutions, found this: 5 Things To Do When Firefox Runs Slow But Other Browsers Run Fast article gives

Computer trends for 2014

Here is my collection of trends and predictions for year 2014: It seems that PC market is not recovering in 2014. IDC is forecasting that the technology channel will buy in around 34 million fewer PCs this year than last. It seem that things aren’t going to improve any time soon (down, down, down until

Tiny Emulator and Basic

Nowadays computer programs seem to get very huge (exception to that are some embedded software running on tiny microcontrollers). There are still some examples that if you know what you are doing you can do amazing thing with a very little amount of code. For example The International Obfuscated C Code Contest and Assembly computer

Mobile future

I read just a moment ago an interesting analysis what to expect in the near future on computer and mobile devices fields. What does mobile scale mean? tells that some time in the next six months, the number of smartphones on earth will pass the number of PCs. This shouldn’t really surprise anyone: the mobile

Smartphone Audio Quality Testing

We spend a lot of time watching and listening to our smartphones and tablets, but the audio quality of many such product seems to be quite bad. How to find out what is good and what is bad? The answer is testing. Smartphone Audio Quality Testing article tells how the audio quality of smart phones

Most Powerful Computer Network Is Being Wasted

The World’s Most Powerful Computer Network Is Being Wasted on Bitcoin article tells that Bitcoin mining machines are insane powerhouses, and they’re only getting crazier. How much power is getting sunk into the digital cryptocurrency? More than the world’s top 500 supercomputers combined. The whole Bitcoin network hit a record-breaking high of 1 exaFLOPS this

XVI32 freeware hex editor

When I need to view and sometimes edit binary files I typically use XVI32 software for it. XVI32 is a freeware hex editor running under Windows. It has data inspector to view decoded numbers and has a built-in script interpreter. XVI32 is a portable application, i.e. no setup program is needed, you can run XVI32