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An engineer’s software toolbox

EDN Magazine blog has an interesting series on posting on software tools available to engineers that make our lives easier. Check out those postings to get to know a large number of electronics engineering related software (most of the software mentioned on postings are free and open source). An engineer’s software toolbox – Part 1

USB Power Current Voltage Tester

How could I measure the normal power consumption of my USB gadgets? How can I measure how much current a smart phone charging takes from USB port? A special built USB measurement adapter for multimeter or USB current/voltage meter can answer to to those questions (and sometimes you get some information from device manager USB

Teach, Don’t Tell

Writing good technical documentation is hard, and that’s why you too often find yourself reading bad documentation. But how to write good documentation? Teach, Don’t Tell post is about writing technical documentation. More specifically: it’s about writing documentation for programming languages and libraries. There are many things you might want to accomplish, the writer is

The Data Factory

You’re the product, but when you’re sold, it’s only a lucky few who get rich. The Data Factory – How Your Free Labor Lets Tech Giants Grow The Wealth Gap article tells that technology lets big companies distribute tools that turn us into volunteers who contribute our time and data while they profit. It wasn’t

HOLMImpulse measures Bode plot

I have searched for some time a suitable software (preferably free) that allows me to measure Bode plot of electronics circuits. There are commercial software, special hardware and special instruments for that (network analyzer can usually do that on radio frequencies), but I wanted something that uses the hardware I already has. After some searching


Serialchart is an open source application for charting data sent via RS-232 port in real time. It runs on Windows. It is very suitable for a microcontroller (Arduino) project to graph the incoming data to screen. The incoming data should be in CSV format, with each point on a separate line. After some short tests

MIDI turned 30

I just noticed that MIDI turned 30 years ago just a short time ago. This 31.25kbd 10-bit, 16-channel network is still very much in use today, 30 years after its official 1.0 specification release in August 1983. I forgot to say “Happy Birthday MIDI” at the right day. The Register had an article series on

Writing with Git

Git and GitHub are not just for writing programming code. Book Authoring Using Git and GitHub article tells how they can also be an effective tool for writing articles and books. Matthew McCullough has written a quick guide to writing books in lightweight formats. If you are a writer and thinking of new ways to

10 single-board computers for under $100

Since the coming of the Raspberry Pi Model B, single-board computers (SBCs) have become a prevalent force in the development world. The biggest-little revolution: 10 single-board computers for under $100 article tells that these pocket-sized devices have taken the online maker community in particular by storm, providing PC functionality to a plethora of open-source projects

Acronym definitions

The fields of electronics, computers and telecommunications is filled with acronyms. To help in surviving on this world of acronyms I started to compile in the 1990′s my own list of acronyms, and you can find my collection of acronym definitions (over 19000 definitions) at acronym search. You should be able to find most