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How to Deploy A Server

How to Deploy A Server article discusses the current state of the art when it comes to deploying servers. Through the years, the ways that sysadmins have installed and configured servers has changed as they have looked for ways to make their jobs easier. The Beginning: by Hand First Generation: Images Second Generation: the Post-Install

How to Change Hidden Advanced Settings in Any Browser

Web browsers are packed with settings and options, many of which are usually hidden from users. Typically each web browser has a different options and they have place where to change those advanced settings at different location. How to Change Hidden Advanced Settings in Any Browser and Näin saat esiin selainten piilotetut lisäasetukset articles have

Open Source versus Business Models

Network World is running a guest article Open Source Software Licenses versus Business Models by Outercurve Foundation’s technical director Stephen Walli discussing how FOSS license choice can affect a company’s business model. In Open Source Software Licenses versus Business Models article Walli disagrees that a FOSS license dictates the business model or that the business

Measuring pictures with software

Reverse engineering salvaged part footprints article mentioned an interesting idea to use a microscope software to process an image of the board. Measuring with Software article mentions an interesting free computer-based microscopy software MiCam. MiCam software allows (once you have calibrated it) you to draw more lines on the photos and calculate and display the

Computer technologies for 2013

Gartner believes that software and hardware companies do better in 2013 than last year. I hope so this happens, it would be good for the industry. Gartner Says Worldwide IT Spending Forecast to Reach $3.7 Trillion in 2013. That would be 4.2 percent increase from 2012 spending. At the moment uncertainties surrounding prospects for an

Intel’s New Chips at CES

Intel’s talking about its new stuff at CES. Gizmodo article Intel’s New Chips: Everything You Need to Know gives you the latest details on Touch, Live Pay TV, Atom phones, all-day battery life for Intel Core computers. Nowadays it seems that CES is the World’s Greatest Hardware Show Stuck in a Software Era. For a

Old "Atari" joystick to USB

The most common joystick type in home computers in 1980′s and some time after that have been Atari-style digital joysticks. Atari 2600 joystick pinout”>Those joysticks are named after Atari, because this joystick type was first introduced in Atari 2600 videogame and then adopted to the home computers introduced on ever since (VIC 20, Commodore 64,

Petabytes on budget 2.0

I posted few years ago How to build cheap cloud storage. That article talks about how Backblaze decided to build their own custom Backblaze (67 terabyte) Storage Pods. Their Petabytes on a budget: How to build cheap cloud storage gives quite good view on the special design they used. At the time I was really

DIY Tables and Jewellery From Recycled Tech

DIY Tables Are Made From Recycled Tech, Look Awesome article tells that some of the most dangerous waste is that of computers and other gadgets, so any way of recycling such items is a plus. Some may turn parts into earring jewelry or necklace. Others melt computer parts down to make beautiful and geeky furniture