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Save online videos for off line viewing

Nowadays Internet if full of videos you can watch. Sometimes you might want to watch videos in place where you don’t have fast Internet connection. A good solution to this problem is to save the videos you want to your computer hard disk and view them from there. In many on-line video sites you can

Get rid of IE now!

Internet Explorer users have been told in many sources many times (including my blog): ditch the IE application and switch to another browser, pronto. There is a a new serious hole that’s exploitable by visiting a malicious Website: The site owner can take possession of the computer used for surfing. This critical zero-day bug in

The traditional antivirus era is over?

Computer security is hard and is getting harder. Costs are high and rising. It is not enough to have up-to-date antivirus software on the PC. Traditional anti-virus software is based on the fact that they are looking for well-known software “fingerprints”. Virus fingerprint database is maintained, and software is updated with new fingerprints constantly. This


Raspberry Pi is not the only cheap educational computer. When going to lower end on the performance there is Arduino, but it lacks display output and network (if you add those to it it gets easily more expensive than Raspberry Pi). FIGnition Rève describes itself as the definitive £20 educational DIY computer! It works like

Manufacturing Modern Computer Chips

Mass Production of 450mm Wafers Bumped Back Again: 2018 article mentions that probably one of the most interesting presentations at HOPE9, “Indistinguishable From Magic: Manufacturing Modern Computer Chips,” covered modern semiconductor fabrication. It tells why these things are cool. View the video of the presentation from YouTube to see it yourself: Integrated circuit design is

Firefox 15: Type error: Can't access dead object

I upgraded to Firefox 15 and got an annoying error: I keep getting annoying often “Type error: Can’t access dead object” errors. That message is displayed endlessly after using many web pages and closing their tab. After some Googling I found page that tells that Drag & Drop upload extension could be the cause.

Get rid of Java now!

Now it is time to get rid of Java. Get rid of Java on your web browser now. You need to do it if you care your security at all. Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority Cert-Fi site and Security company F-Secure’s Chief Research Officer Mikko Hypponen calls for removal of Java software from browsers. Most of

Over 30 years of DSP

30 years of DSP: From a child’s toy to 4G and beyond article tells that this year, as TI celebrates its 30th year in the DSP market, that long-ago question has been answered many times over. Without DSP and the advances it has enabled in audio, graphics, and multimedia processing, there would be no digital

How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free article How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free tells an interesting story. The problem? An underfunded school needed computers for the classroom. Budget? $0. How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free article tells how just one sixth-grade teacher got those computers at that budget. In 2007, Robert acquired 18 donated