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Interim solution Firefox and Flash 11.3 problem

Some Firefox users on Windows Vista and Windows 7 are experiencing problems when viewing videos in Adobe Flash Player 11.3. This includes me. Flash 11.3 doesn’t load video in Firefox. Firefox and/or Flash Player may crash. Videos do not work correctly, I just get a black box. Adobe and Mozilla are working closely to diagnose

Can Maintenance Make Data Centers Less Reliable?

Is preventive maintenance on data center equipment not really that preventive after all? Can Maintenance Make Data Centers Less Reliable? With human error cited as a leading cause of downtime, a vigorous maintenance schedule can actually make a data center less reliable, according to some industry experts. Is Maintenance Making Your Facility Less Reliable? article

Notepad++ editor

I have recently started to use Notepad++ more and more for my code editing (both C source code and scripts). Notepad++ is a free (as in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. The editor is a multi-Language environment that has syntax highlighting and

War on DIY Electronics

Is electronics heading to be less and less hackable? DIY site iFixit has been keeping tabs on the tech world whilst providing handy self-repair guides for popular electronics. Now the site maintainers have seen trend that electronics products seem to become intentionally harder and harder to fix in recent years. The New MacBook Pro: Unfixable,

Happy 25th Birthday, GIF

Happy 25th Birthday, GIF. 25 years ago (on last Friday) the Graphics Interchange Format was released, and the world has never been the same again. The GIF was originally released by CompuServe to replace RLE – a file format which was limited to black and white only. But the GIF evolved over the next 25

Google Blockly

I saw yesterday an interesting new web-based, graphical programming editor. Google Blockly — a Language With a Difference tells about a new Scratch-like graphical language, Blockly. You program with it by dragging and dropping code blocks onto a design surface. Blockly is written in JavaScript and runs inside web browser. All the code is free

Linus Torvalds wins Tech’s ‘Nobel’

Linus Torvalds Splits Tech’s ‘Nobel’ With Stem Cell Pioneer. What do Linux and stem cell research have in common? Answer: They’re both considered “life-enhancing technical innovations” by the Technology Acadamy Finland, a foundation that is awarding a prestigious award called the Millennium Technology Prize in Helsinki yesterday. Linux creator Linus Torvalds (King of Geeks) and

Arduino and Raspberry Pi together

Raspberry Pi and Arduino seems to be the most interesting small single board platforms at the moment for the hobbyists. It is a bit sad to see some people who are very passionate about the Arduino community coming down quite hard on the Raspberry Pi project as the Big Bad, suggesting that we’re trying to