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Obfuscated C Code Contest

The IOCCC Competition Is Back posting and IOCCC Home Page tell that The International Obfuscated C Code Contest is open again. The 20th International Obfuscated C Code Contest is open from 12-Nov-2011 11:00 UTC to 12-Jan-2012 12:12 UTC. The International Obfuscated C Code Contest (abbreviated IOCCC) is a programming contest for the most creatively obfuscated

HTML5 has won Flash on mobile

It seem that HTML5 has won Flash on mobile devices and Adobe recognizes it. Adobe ceases development on mobile browser Flash, refocuses efforts on HTML5. HTML5 is now universally supported on major mobile devices, in some cases exclusively. This makes HTML5 the best solution for creating and deploying content in the browser across mobile platforms.

Right programming tool?

We all talk about using the right tool for the job in the context of programming items. But which job? And what’s the right tool for it? The Right Tool web page want your help in determining the answer for this.

Open Hardware Journal

I just saw Slashdot posting mentioning Open Hardware Journal. Open Hardware Journal is a new open technical journal on designs for physical or electronic objects that are shared as if they were Open Source software. It’s an open journal under a Creative Commons license. You can download the magazine in pdf file format and redistribute

Agile hardware development?

Software developers have largely accepted the merits of agile development and commonly debate the value of one agile practice against another. Agile software development is a creative process that does not need all details to be defines in advance. Agile software development is a group of software development methodologies based on iterative and incremental development,

Measure with soundcard

Unless you add a measurement instrument to your computer, you have only the sound card as an analog I/O port. You can use the sound card to digitize ac analog voltages but only within a limited range. You can, however, add some signal processing and measure a wider variety of signals, even those that produce

DRM just does not work

Eureka! Ditching DRM Decreases Piracy article tells that new paper to be published in the upcoming issue of Marketing Science shows that removing DRM from music leads to a decrease in piracy. Or phrased differently, DRM appears to be an incentive for people to pirate music instead of buying it. The researchers from Rice and

10GBase-T Technology

The growing importance of cloud computing along with the increasing utilization of unified data/storage connectivity and the advent of server virtualization have elevated the popularity of 10Gbps Ethernet.There are several connectivity options are available for 10Gbps Ethernet, both over optical fiber and copper cables. 10GBase-T Technology Revisited article tells that the lack of economical cabling

From Meego to Tizen

Meego will will be merged out of existence. MeeGo will become Tizen. Tizen is a software platform and a mobile and device operating system based on Linux and other popular upstream projects. According to Intel, Tizen will build upon the strengths of both LiMo and MeeGo and Intel will work with MeeGo partners to help

Google Native Client

One of the key features of the web is that it’s pretty safe to click on almost any link. Your browser can fetch code from some unknown server on the internet and run it. In the browser you can use any language you want – as long as it’s JavaScript. JavaScript is an interpreted, dynamically-typed