
Coputer topics

Webkit-based UI for TV devices

Netflix’s Webkit-based UI for TV devices article says that Netflix uses WebKit, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 to build user interfaces that are delivered to millions of game consoles, Blu-ray players, Internet-connected TVs, and devices. Matt McCarthy and Kim Trott, device UI engineering managers at Netflix, have just published 50 presentation slides from their recent talk

Bad electrolytics now in my PC

Why modern high tech electronics fail? Too often the reason for that is electrolytic capacitor failure. I have had a quite high number of electronics that has failed by this reason after few years of service. I have had a quite number of devices failed by capacitor: PC motherboard, PC graphics card, set-top-box, DVD player.

Enable Save Tabs on Exit for Firefox

I liked the Firefox option to save tabs on exit. Every time I exited Firefox 3.x, I simply click on the Save and Quit button when I am prompted “Do you want Firefox to save your tabs for the next time it starts?”. The next time I launch Firefox, all tabs are automatically opened. When

Seen at Assembly 2011

The stand for Ubuntu Linux also had some Meego people showing that Meego is still going wrong. I got my hands on the Nokia N9 prototype version (I did not get permission to take picture of it). There was also Intel Meego tablet reference platform shown on the stand. The MeeGo people from Nokia were

Flame party

The Flame Party Helsinki yesterday. It was a nice small demoscene event with around 100 participants. The best competition entries made were pretty amazing. This event shows that a modern web browser can do wonders without extensions nowadays. The best competition entries were just amazing. I did some coding for fun, and I must agree

Apple's iCloud data center

A peek inside Apple’s iCloud data center web page shows up some photos of the exterior and interior of the new $1bn data center the company has built in Maiden, North Carolina to support its new iCloud storage cloud. There seems to be Teradata gear, maybe HP and NetApp. Teradata data warehousing appliances are actually

IPv6 day @ 8 June 2011

IPv6 has been considered the internet of the future for the past 15 years. I played with it in the later 1990′s. And after it waiting when it will take on, or will it fail. Disruption might be the only way to force companies into deploying IP version 6 (IPv6) networks. The expected ending of

The Flame Party Helsinki

The Flame Party Helsinki promises to be a day of HOT Open Web (aka HTML5) demo hacking, outdoor BBQ etc… 18th of June 2011. This event if for HTML5 and Open Web geeks, DemoSceners and Internet artists. The Flame Party is organized by the Alternative Party Crew, Mozilla Labs and DOT (the Digital Media Club